Celebrating Middle-Earth

I recently came across a new book from Inkling Books. The book is titled Celebrating Middle-Earth: The Lord of the Rings As a Defense of Western Civilization. It is a collection of essays by various authors including Peter Kreeft and Joseph Pearce. John G. West Jr. is the editor. He also wrote the first essay in which he argues that the Lord of the Rings promotes western civilization by combating moral relativism, scientific materialism, the modern welfare state, and the modern focus on the “anti-hero.” This books does an excellent job of showing the depth of Tolkien’s understanding of the world we live in. The book will also be helpful in showing to those who miss the fact that Tolkien was writing a lot more than just a cool story.

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1 Response to Celebrating Middle-Earth

  1. Al says:

    I bought a copy of this book with some of my Christmas money. It does look quite good, although I have yet to read it through properly.

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